Abedin Mahdavi
was born on 1981, Tehran, Graduated in Directing from Tehran University of Art.
He started photography at the age of 14. His photography activities include over 30 projects and over 12 single and group photo exhibition, He has directed over 41 short and long documentaries.
Abedin Mahdavi has covered over 18 dangerous areas in countries such as Somalia, Haiti, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Columbia etc.
Holy Children International Art Group, founded by him, was established in Tehran, Iran, then moved to Switzerland. It consists of several international artist of different fields. He is now directing his debut movie about Kubani women in resistance groups.
Photo Collection
is a dedicated Abedin Mahdavi`s podcast that is a collection of stories, memoirs, real voices from travels, wars and crises that Abedin Mahdavi has been present in since 2002 and has recorded real voices and various interviews from all his travels.
Two episodes will be published monthly on the dedicated page of this podcast soon.
See the White Wolf Radio page for this podcast for more information.